Who pushes the upload button?
I have always wondered and now I am sure that these things are out to get us. Just you wait. One
day a little army of ant-size people is going to come marching out of our
computers and tie us down and make us watch little progress bars that make it
all the way to the end and then send an error message. Then they are going to
video our descent into insanity and they will post it on their blogs (because,
if you are going to take over the world, you really should blog about it). And
they will make us watch as all of their
videos are successfully uploaded.
But I have to ask myself, why the hostility, little ant-size
people army? Are we over working you? Do you fall asleep during work hours? Is
that why I can’t upload my video? But then
this really isn’t fair because I was never told about the little ant- size
people army that works in my computer. I was always told it was a hard drive,
so it’s not my fault they're underpaid and over worked. I mean, if there are
little ant-sized people, I would think they are the perfect people to be
working inside my computer. Wouldn’t they feel like they have found their
purpose in life? Maybe that's why it happens to me all the time.
Maybe, in my computer, there is a little ant-sized person who
knows he is meant for greater things. He is sitting off by himself, writing in
a journal about how small the world is and how he just has to see what’s out
there. He thinks there must be more to life than pushing the upload button everyday
and then coming home to watch reruns of “Fried” (a sitcom about four friends
trying to make it in the competitive computer of a gamer). All his friends are
content to work and get married and have kids who grow up to work and get married and have kids who grow up to work... but he just can’t take it
anymore. Well, I say, go for it little ant-size man. Be free! Go and see what’s
out there! Stick it to the man! Take your little ant-sized back pack and bum
around Europe. Or go and visit ant colonies in the woods and see how to live
off the land. The world is yours! I will go and make myself a cup of coffee so
you can escape without being seen. But, if you wouldn’t mind, could you train a
replacement little ant-size man to push the upload button before you go?
You DO make me laugh and that is the BEST medicine. Thanks